Access the console by hitting that magic ~ key, then enter these codes:
BigfootGold Win with gold victory
/health 999 Health 999
/wuss All weapons
/superfuzz God mode
/nocollision No clip mode
/wallflower No target
/spawn rockets Gives you rockets
/spawn magnum Gives you the
/spawn shotgun Gives you the
/spawn assaultrifle Gives you the
assault rifle
/spawn rocketlauncher Gives you
the rocket launcher
/spawn sniperrifle Gives you the
sniper rifle
/spawn heligun Drops the big gun from the chopper
into your arms
/spawn reactiveshields Gives you a
reactive shield
/spawn coin Gives you a quarter
/spawn health Gives you a health
/spawn cookies Gives you some
cookies (mmm)
/spawn lensflare Weird light-effect
And if you want an extremely cool secret weapon, go to the console and type 'Give Thrallgun' and then bind it to an easily accessible key; for example: bind M 'use thrallgun'. It gives you two different firing modes which really kick ass.